Message from @Mr. Red
Discord ID: 301848670494654474
How the fuck does someone NOT have rares to post?
Cuz theyre normies, REEEEEEEEEE
Even normies have at least ONE these days, thanks to T_D.
Its good to keep some pepes on hand
I gotta search quite alot to find mine tbh
Did you guys ban mo
I've just been kicking shitskins. No bans.
oh he might have been talking about MAT
I've been recruiting from MAT lol
Saw mo shitposting a bit on mat
<@272567898755825666> Post 3 rares for entry into Kekistan.
<@272567898755825666> Tick Tock, Faggot!
Gass him!
did you kick mo
Feelsgood to have power over others
oh nvm he's a citizen now
Post 3 rare pepes or Hitlers <@&292875945738764288>
<@297618470340657152> Post or Get Gassed, Nigger!
Gas Out!
<@297618470340657152> You gonna post dem rares or not?
You got 2 minutes.
he's from the UK
<@297618470340657152> MAGA is here but apparently you aren't
hurry up before they DEPORT you
I've already kicked him once.
<@297618470340657152> Respond or I'm bringing out the Ban Hammer.
Have it your way...
non-respondees should be deported not gassed
if they keep showing up though and stay silent
then gas is appropriate