Message from @dobatag
Discord ID: 543237147772190721
nah cant be man
art style looks vert old
Dali modern art tho
ive definitely seen it long ago in books
art has to have a base from where it speaks
modern art has no beauty
ahhh true
this is beautiful
dali IS modern art
if all it does is deconstruct things, it's not art
it's propaganda
it's a bit genre art
booii yee
>Implying you can say what its and what its not art
i can
and i just did
Yeah and you are wrong
nice shadows
and 3d
art has to have some sense to it
and detailed
I reject your reality and subtitute it with my own
it can't just be a pile of garbage and have someone say it's art
i guess it's a bit impressionistic then
rennaisance style?
art is constructive
@EndangeredProdigy they called forcing kids to touch a naked man art in the EU
She does seem to follow some inspiration from Dali
pastel or oil paintings?
dali's art is surrealism
Art is "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."
but itn ot surreal
He follows 4 styles