Message from @Graylan | gray00

Discord ID: 543975156998078485

2019-02-10 01:59:32 UTC  

You know we can leave the taxes as they are, shutdown the government for 5 years and we would have all the debt paid off.

2019-02-10 01:59:43 UTC  

Those things are goals that I can set for myself, making sure I know if I am progressing or not.

2019-02-10 02:00:00 UTC  

Got to make things fun.

2019-02-10 02:00:05 UTC  

Neither are tarriffs, because, again, they are not applied to a person or that person's labor.

2019-02-10 02:00:09 UTC  

@stedly not exactly cuz we print money still without govt

2019-02-10 02:00:14 UTC  

@Paradox Ok, as long as we agree that when the gov't places a sales tax on a particular class of items the ability for the gov't to enforce the collection and thereby the payment of that tax is backed by the gov'ts ability to use force .

2019-02-10 02:00:14 UTC  

Pro tipp for Americans:
Register as Democrat and vote for Tulsi

2019-02-10 02:00:17 UTC  

The greatest thing is having people think your food is good.

2019-02-10 02:00:18 UTC  

So, not all taxes are theft or taken by force.

2019-02-10 02:00:22 UTC  

Priv company in charge of money printing.

2019-02-10 02:01:02 UTC  

@Graylan | gray00 good point. Raid the federal reserve, confiscate all printing machines

2019-02-10 02:01:29 UTC  

@Paradox I don't see how the gov't could compel the store owner to collect the tax without the ultimate use of force.

2019-02-10 02:01:38 UTC  

@stedly it's mainly clicks of a mouse

2019-02-10 02:01:39 UTC  

Sure, the government is authorized to use force.

2019-02-10 02:02:03 UTC  

However, you aren't dealing with the governemnt in the case of the candy bar, you are dealing with the store.

2019-02-10 02:02:24 UTC  

I like how Dems are so quick to assume a Republican is guilty whenever he/she (mostly he) is accused of some kind of crime and they are willing to sack him with little evidence, but when someone comes forward with evidence implicating one of their own is involved in some kind of horrendous crime, they try to hide behind innocent until proven guilty and discredit the accuser.

2019-02-10 02:02:27 UTC  

I'm still with you on that though tho @stedly

2019-02-10 02:02:35 UTC  

It's a valid point

2019-02-10 02:02:49 UTC  

I just think the fed will.still fuck that up too

2019-02-10 02:02:54 UTC  

@Graylan | gray00 washington DC is it's own soverign state. We could potentially invade it, plant the American flag and force them to actually abide by us laws not by DC laws.

2019-02-10 02:03:03 UTC  


2019-02-10 02:03:07 UTC  

Good idea

2019-02-10 02:03:17 UTC  

Let's do it. :)

2019-02-10 02:03:20 UTC  

Fuck dc

2019-02-10 02:03:29 UTC  

Bunch of overpaid ass holes.

2019-02-10 02:03:37 UTC  

@Paradox Yes and no about the store owner. In order to operate that store the store owner agrees (because he is forced to do so) to act as the gov'ts agent and collect the taxes. Therefore when you deal with the store owner you are dealing with the gov't by proxy.

2019-02-10 02:03:43 UTC  

Next to the poorest slums

2019-02-10 02:03:59 UTC  

Even Obama had to get locked down cuz of crack head murders near the White House

2019-02-10 02:05:43 UTC  

So all stores are the government now?

2019-02-10 02:05:58 UTC  

I think you know that is not what I am saying.

2019-02-10 02:06:07 UTC  

It seems you are saying that.

2019-02-10 02:07:52 UTC  

No. When you operate a local business you get a license from the local government which permits you to do so. Part of that "agreement" is that you will acts as a tax collector, depositing the appropriate amount in the account of the gov't. That doesn't make the store the gov't. But it does make the store owner a defacto tax collector for the gov't.

2019-02-10 02:08:15 UTC  

When you form a corporation it is a bit more complicated but in that case you are entering into a similar agreement with a State gov't.

2019-02-10 02:08:30 UTC  

Ok. So, not the government.

2019-02-10 02:08:45 UTC  

Well there goes that part of your claim.

2019-02-10 02:08:59 UTC  

Now, where's the force on YOU?

2019-02-10 02:09:12 UTC  

When you buy that candy bar.

2019-02-10 02:09:43 UTC  

You seem to want to make a distinction without a difference. For example, a soldier is not "the gov't" but when he kills on the battle field he is doing so at the behest of and with the authority of the gov't. Correct?

2019-02-10 02:09:54 UTC  

100 Grand is a pretty good candy bar.

2019-02-10 02:09:59 UTC  

There is a distinction.

2019-02-10 02:10:31 UTC  

Do you agree that the store owner is acting as an agent (tax collector) when he demands the sales tax included in the price of the candy bar?