Message from @Kelz

Discord ID: 544357427785760768

2019-02-11 03:17:29 UTC  

@Misomania It is the stated policy of the Democrat party that in NY, a woman may stop the doctor from delivering her baby and demand that he abort it instead for no other reason than, "My husband demands that I bear him only sons and I will suffer emotionally if I disobey him." Think about that for a moment.

2019-02-11 03:17:55 UTC  

Its the worldview people are influenced with growing up, that decides what they deem is morally right or wrong.

2019-02-11 03:18:09 UTC  

morals are subjective too

2019-02-11 03:18:14 UTC  

everyone has a different set

2019-02-11 03:18:31 UTC  

so to base laws on morals is dumb

2019-02-11 03:18:57 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy Yes, but there are a set of morals which allow us to live together in relative peace which have been determined thru trial and error over thousands of years.

2019-02-11 03:19:18 UTC  

Correct. Forcing Diversity of culture without accounting for this creates more problems than it seems.

2019-02-11 03:19:26 UTC  

@CasualSailor they state that her cheating then breaking up with her old boyfriend when she gets a new one is a perfectly valid excuse for a partial birth abortion as well... because apparently child support and shared custody don't exist

2019-02-11 03:19:51 UTC  

laws should be based on facts @CasualSailor it's fine if people have similar morals, but you can't force morals upon someone

2019-02-11 03:19:58 UTC  

Diversity of thought should be recognized.

2019-02-11 03:20:15 UTC  

@Misomania They don't just "state" it, they flock to the streets to celebrate it. They light up the WTC tower to proclaim it.

2019-02-11 03:20:30 UTC  

Majority of people in vidya games seem to be very silly

2019-02-11 03:20:38 UTC

2019-02-11 03:20:55 UTC  

Haven't moved an inch from that bush

2019-02-11 03:21:17 UTC  

After Abortions...........They will legalize Killing Homeless people.....................they are already talking about Assisted Suicide for Old people or medically terminal...................Next will be disabled people

2019-02-11 03:21:44 UTC  

Yes, mentally ill, old, crippled, homeless

2019-02-11 03:21:48 UTC  

In that order

2019-02-11 03:21:57 UTC  

Mengele is now left leaning

2019-02-11 03:21:59 UTC  

@stedly you mean the people that scream austically when they see cultures mixing even slightly. Because to their eyes 'cultural appropriation' is being 'worse then hitler'.

2019-02-11 03:22:03 UTC  

@CasualSailor how are you doing today ?

2019-02-11 03:22:04 UTC  

If that happens i will support Bernie and Pelosi as the first

2019-02-11 03:22:07 UTC  

Next you're going to tell me that the government will arm people and send them off to other countries to kill complete strangers.

2019-02-11 03:22:25 UTC  

anyone remember this?

2019-02-11 03:22:33 UTC  

@Misomania Wait, do you mean neonazis or the far left intersectionalists ?

2019-02-11 03:22:52 UTC  

Both scream autistically at the "cultural appropriation"

2019-02-11 03:23:08 UTC  

@Uksio far left. They demand that you import other cultures but get really pissed if you look at or talk about said cultures at the same time

2019-02-11 03:23:20 UTC  

@Misomania yep. Cultural appropriation in reality should be encouraged not demonized if you want to achieve a multicultural society.

2019-02-11 03:23:37 UTC  

God save you if you dare to wear dreadlocks while white

2019-02-11 03:23:52 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy I don't think we are talking about the same thing when we say, "moral." Morality is simply the distinction between what is proper and what is improper. Laws are based upon moral codes of what behaviors are proper and improper based upon our history. With the rise of Western culture and the humanist movement, religious laws were replaced with secular ones. But both are based on and define what is and isn't moral in a society.

2019-02-11 03:24:36 UTC  

People that demonize cultural appropriation, are pushing the notion that we should all be segregated from our own moral thoughts, and that always has a line drawn in race.

2019-02-11 03:24:38 UTC  

I fear you think "religious" when you hear the word "moral."

2019-02-11 03:24:46 UTC  

They are not the same thing.

2019-02-11 03:25:38 UTC  

When the left demonizes cultural appropriation, it's a dog whistle basically.

2019-02-11 03:27:03 UTC  

there are aspects of law that are related to public morality, however, laws in themselves are not solely rooted in morality

2019-02-11 03:27:19 UTC  

@stedly Like Jaime on Joe Rogan's show who can hear clearly the dog whistle aimed at racists when he sees the OK symbol, I find it interesting that the only people that seem to hear these secret messages that only racists can hear are Leftists and Democrats.

2019-02-11 03:27:25 UTC  

that's why you see laws that exist that go against public morality

2019-02-11 03:28:50 UTC  

@CasualSailor intriguing isn't it. Although I won't shy away from the possibility that there can be a culture that won't appropriate with a mixing society.

2019-02-11 03:29:20 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy Can you give me an example. It is against the law to murder. This law comes directly from a moral code which has existed and been codified in such documents as the Ten Commandments and Hamarabi's Code.

2019-02-11 03:30:37 UTC  

@stedly Can the individuals crying about cultural "appropriation" distinguish it from cultural "appreciation?"

2019-02-11 03:31:11 UTC  

@CasualSailor Both sides do this....its pure bias...................i've seen leftist see things like "okay sign" etc.............and i've seen right wingers see a police shooting and say its okay................................just pure bias that we need to recognize on both sides

2019-02-11 03:32:55 UTC  

Look up Google's definition for cultural appropriation. See whose really the racists.