Message from @gbol
Discord ID: 301207638786441216
It's passed moy bed toym
<@282043661959561216> had an Asian QT gf.
Connor is a negro
It was good.
<@282043661959561216> *Drops anoda shekel*
Connor, is there literally anything that you know about right wing shit?
Or are you just completely clueless and also a shill?
Because at first I thought you were a knowledgable shill
<@282043661959561216> *prepare the helicopter, @NiggerLyncher*
oh shit calling you out connor
Hol up hol up
This is why duels should be legal
Connor easiest thing in the world
My boy Connor has claim the petty round earthers
I've got gas in hand, kike.
<@282043661959561216> Time for a heli ride on the right side
Also can I get unbanned from trump wall
tell me why labor theory of value is bad connor
any right wing can do this
come on boi
what is thta
Okay I'm going to sleep good nightmares
@scrub you could do that under ancap if they both volunteer...
that theory
definition pls
goodnight @Sir Keks-Alot
>what did he even say
I'm always needed
Connor too
Not with our ovens, <@282043661959561216>
So connor, can you tell me what 1488 means?
You can do anything under ancap as long as everyone is cool with it :^) I just don't think ancap would work due to those who wish to do us harm ie muslims
I assume eventually the world will end in ancap, or something close
but it would take a long process to devolve the government to that point
waiting for him to google it