Message from @Cody

Discord ID: 544870896272408586

2019-02-12 13:10:52 UTC  

If germs are real then how come I don't see them

2019-02-12 13:11:08 UTC  


2019-02-12 13:11:24 UTC  

I haven't watched my hands in 2000 years Lmao

2019-02-12 13:11:36 UTC  

Seriously though that video made my day

2019-02-12 13:11:52 UTC  

if fetuses are humans then how come they don't pay taxes

2019-02-12 13:12:02 UTC  

they're ancaps

2019-02-12 13:12:06 UTC  

i haven't washed my hands since the 90s. when i touched David Hasselhoff

2019-02-12 13:12:09 UTC  


2019-02-12 13:12:32 UTC  

i haven't washed my hands since April 2007, when i amputated them both

2019-02-12 13:13:44 UTC  

what's the point of washing yourself when you just get dirty again

2019-02-12 13:13:48 UTC  

I haven't washed my ass since Y2K

2019-02-12 13:14:43 UTC  

Real question time, is it gay to take suppositories?

2019-02-12 13:14:48 UTC  


2019-02-12 13:15:05 UTC  

Thanks, asking for a friend

2019-02-12 13:15:12 UTC  

no worries

2019-02-12 13:15:53 UTC  

only if you swallow them

2019-02-12 13:16:15 UTC  

But, that's not how suppositories work

2019-02-12 13:16:24 UTC  


2019-02-12 13:16:30 UTC  

don't kinkshame me

2019-02-12 13:18:36 UTC  
2019-02-12 13:22:24 UTC  


2019-02-12 13:22:27 UTC  


2019-02-12 13:22:58 UTC  

The fuck is this

2019-02-12 13:23:11 UTC  

Gay marriage was not a thing back then

2019-02-12 13:24:55 UTC  

He fails miserably at hiding them male traits

2019-02-12 13:24:57 UTC  


2019-02-12 13:28:15 UTC  

Hands of a man 😂

2019-02-12 13:32:01 UTC

2019-02-12 13:33:25 UTC  

Hands of a GOD

2019-02-12 13:35:19 UTC  

something something... When he was on Joe Rogan...

2019-02-12 13:39:14 UTC  

peak boomer

2019-02-12 13:41:49 UTC  

he's right tho

2019-02-12 13:41:51 UTC

2019-02-12 13:41:54 UTC  

these are the REAL boomers

2019-02-12 13:42:28 UTC  

you should be banned from the internet until you reach age 21

2019-02-12 13:46:46 UTC  

yes, lets start with you 😉

But if we do that fortnite will die

2019-02-12 13:58:04 UTC  

you guys hear that chris pratt is getting hate for being christian?

2019-02-12 13:58:08 UTC  


2019-02-12 13:58:14 UTC  

fucking hell