Message from @Wrathsalts
Discord ID: 288413278479187968
just let out a huge fucking fart
fcking liberal sjw retards
hes a fat disgusting neckbeard that smells like shit
i bet he thinks he has autism
autism is just an excuse to be a retarded fucked up human being
Sterilization for autists.
@Lemonadeaholic Change your icon or I'll personally cram you in an ez-bake oven
hes like lounging around taking up 2 seat spaces
what makes people do this
ez bake oven
I feel like this needs to be posted at least once a week
quality ^
tfw atheism
I did @gabe_brouse
"traps are gay"
best new meme
has there been any attempt to help the texas knight in california
Can I get a quick rundown
like someone said before if he gets fucked for what he did its going to set a bad precedent
Anyone from SC?
and i bet the rioting animals mostly walked off free
but i cant fathom how police would be anything other than 100% on our side
SC reporting in
It's Berkeley PD man
holyshit sg
it's still the police, the rioters have probably called for people to kill cops because some black guy pulled a gun and got shot
Fucking what
Hey do any weebs want the @weeb role
Yeah Antifa were yelling Fuck the police and they didn't do shit to them