Message from @Blonald Blumph

Discord ID: 547294623828279316

2019-02-19 05:48:33 UTC  
2019-02-19 05:48:44 UTC  

@CasualSailor both of those videos discuss how the most dangerous cities and states have highest amount of black population

2019-02-19 05:48:56 UTC  

@Zer0 economics

2019-02-19 05:49:09 UTC  

Drug dealing is entrepreneurial

2019-02-19 05:50:04 UTC  

@Blonald Blumph But when you compare the levels of crime, drug abuse, unwed mothers, child neglect between urban areas with mostly Blacks and rural areas of West Virginia which are mostly white you see similar numbers. So its less about race as it is about culture, in my estimation.

2019-02-19 05:50:09 UTC  

@CasualSailor first boat I owned was a Coronado 25', sailed the West coast. Last one was a Pearson 35', sailed the East coast

2019-02-19 05:50:29 UTC  

@CasualSailor calm down John Denver

2019-02-19 05:50:42 UTC  


2019-02-19 05:51:05 UTC  

when i sold my last business i considered purchasing a sale boat. i decided to buy land instead.

2019-02-19 05:51:39 UTC  

That was part of the thing discussed by the red elephants video. How government policies transformed the black community in this way through welfare programs

2019-02-19 05:51:43 UTC  

In 1968

2019-02-19 05:51:57 UTC  

Liberal policies destroyed the black family community

2019-02-19 05:52:06 UTC  


2019-02-19 05:52:25 UTC  

no. people that cant see a trap when they see it destroyed their own comunitys

2019-02-19 05:52:46 UTC  

nothing in life is free

2019-02-19 05:52:52 UTC  

Since the government took care of the child, there was no incentive for the father to

2019-02-19 05:52:58 UTC  

I agree, zero

2019-02-19 05:52:58 UTC  

@Zer0 Some of the best businessmen are slinging drugs. They understand profit and loss, inventory and personnel management, markets and territory. It's a shame there is little opportunity for them to put those skills to legitimate use.

2019-02-19 05:53:12 UTC  


2019-02-19 05:53:19 UTC  

They could sell other things

2019-02-19 05:53:26 UTC  

Look at Coca cola

2019-02-19 05:53:44 UTC  

coke figured it out for sure

2019-02-19 05:53:45 UTC  

Used to have...

2019-02-19 05:54:21 UTC  

Anyhow I'm gonna get back to my art

2019-02-19 05:54:33 UTC  

Also I never ended up in prison, so yeet

2019-02-19 05:54:47 UTC  

This drawing is coming along. Ttyl

2019-02-19 05:55:25 UTC  

it must be painful only existing as an ear and eyeball

2019-02-19 05:55:41 UTC  

@Blonald Blumph I'm not making excuses. I'm just saying its easy to tell a kid to get a job a McDonalds for $250 per week when he can join his buddies on the street corner and make $1000. It's a lot harder for him to do it if there is no McDonalds to hire him. That's why policing is so important. Business won't settle in areas where their security is not guaranteed. Look at how many business left Baltimore after the riots.

2019-02-19 05:56:47 UTC  

the real problem is we teach people that taking a job or slinging drugs is the only way to make money.

2019-02-19 05:57:14 UTC  

buying ans selling pot taught me to buy and sell in general.

2019-02-19 05:57:43 UTC  

i took that experience and started a legal business

2019-02-19 05:58:28 UTC  

just gotta understand that everything you learn can be applyed in a new way. you just have to be willing to think

2019-02-19 05:59:28 UTC  

i also became super religious. people need morals. or they become shit people

2019-02-19 05:59:29 UTC  

@Zer0 Everyone has to start somewhere. I started washing dishes in a restaurant for $1.50 / hr. But after 6 months I was able to get a better job on the basis that I had "experience." Within another year I had an even better job based upon my prior experience. Each job led to a better one. But too many in our society today can't get on the first rung of the ladder in order to climb. I wish the left would pay more attention to them than trying to figure out a way to make rich people less rich.

2019-02-19 05:59:51 UTC  

holy crap you must be old

2019-02-19 06:00:40 UTC  

with my past i couldnt get a job. so a made one.

2019-02-19 06:00:59 UTC  

so i totaly get what your saying.

2019-02-19 06:01:21 UTC  

@Zer0 That is another problem we have. We lock people up and when they get out we exclude them from the workforce and almost guarantee that they seek illegitimate means of making a living. Where is the left on that subject? Instead of crying about Amazon they should be finding ways to encourage businesses to give a brother a second chance.

2019-02-19 06:03:15 UTC  

hey guys it's me :333 xDD please be nice boys <333 ~~~~

2019-02-19 06:03:19 UTC  

yeah. my experience kind makes it hard for me to feel bad for people tho. instead of seeking ilegitimate means i just work my ass of to make something happen. i figure if i did it anyone can. especialy since IQ inst important.

2019-02-19 06:03:33 UTC  
