Message from @Norwegian Black Metal
Discord ID: 301579205546737664
really activated my almond crunch
we waz olympic refugee swimmerz n sheit
anybody playing squad?
I never understood nazis until now
>playing the virtual jew
the ultimate redpill is when you realize that your great grandfathers died for no reason in a war that ultimately was futile
nice timing
wew lad
thats like getting some digits
tfw my great grandad fought the japs
kek has spoken
getting the phone number to some sexy AI girlfriend
slightly less kosher
tfw your Great-Grandfather was a nazi
i wish
my grandpa built planes for the allies
daily reminder its more redpilled to love your own nation and hope for its future than to love germany's culture
I agree
well fuck current Germany
but their culture is pretty much lost
i want to save the german people
they dont want to be saved
sucha shame to see whats going on in europe
we need to remove ALLL MUSLIMS FROM EUROPE
so it's worth it in some way to preserve what's left of what germany used to be with the rest of the german population in the US
i think germans are still all crypto nazis
except the ones in dusseldorf and west germany
they just need to be freed
from their past