Message from @Norwegian Black Metal
Discord ID: 301585204936572929
i bet you even Assad has people infiltrated in his military that try to escalate things or whaterver
yea for sure
like the radical muzzies want WW3
they think its gonna bring back muhammad
wanna take over the world
or some goat fairy tale like that
to form a caliphate
what if
the whole point of destabilizing the middle east
Especially in a destablized nation like that WHICH MAY I REMIND YOU IS DESTABLIZED because of us (more up the chain would be the jews fault)
so islamic way of life is everywhere
because you know syria has kurds and alawites and sunnis and christians and everything else
what if the point is to destabilize all the middle east cunts
so borders can be redrawn nationalistically
yea even sand niggers are divided between each other
wouldnt that be a good thing
tfw no zoroastrian resurgence
the middle east is likely being destabilized in order to establish 'greater israel,' which is supposedly promised land for them
thats one possibility
for sure
also drive a bull dozer through that gay wall the kikes poo on
the one they fap and mutter into?
Oooor because by destabilizing the middle east would destroy the help WE need when actually having war against the Jews and by doing so we get immense influence in the countries leaders which leads to (((them))) having control over even more resources in the middle east.
might as well nuke the pyramids because the kangz an dshit
>you need to unite the globe to fight globalism
we dont want them getting their superior watermelon technology back up and running
nuke it all
sounds kosher as fuck fam
Hitler had muslims fight against the jews too?
common enemy
apparently he worked with them