Message from @Europa
Discord ID: 301586720690929664
fucken dirty sand niggers
dont even take inr efugees
assclowns its jew talk right now
erdogan is also someting im watching out for
nigger talk is in an hour
if that roach becomes all powerful thanks to the referendum
hes gonna be a bitch to deal with
tfw gobba sleep tho
Turkey has a huge military
yes its called isis
many roaches
fuck turkey
worst country
also TUrkey has US nukes on its soil
turkey is like isis but with borders and legitimacy
We give them weapons and fund them. And then destory them when we dont need them anymore because now we start a new conflict
That's pretty controlled
they try to play both sides
fucken roaches
muslims are basically jews too
Jews are roaches
jews u say?
they play both sides like isis
well kind of
they are schemers
>fight assad ''''and isis'''
i know about that goy
fucking tons of docus about him on youtube
Shits fire Assclown
@Kekultist thanks fam, theres60 OC songs about redpills and drugs and niggers being lynched, jews gassed on that youtube