Message from @Rotmistrz
Discord ID: 301586040139939841
>you need to unite the globe to fight globalism
we dont want them getting their superior watermelon technology back up and running
nuke it all
sounds kosher as fuck fam
Hitler had muslims fight against the jews too?
common enemy
apparently he worked with them
yeah but destabilization will only help isis
The muslims helped literally anytime people want to destroy the jews because they know the jews fuck literally everyone over
not western friendly factions
Especially their land OBVIOUSLY
We literally control ISIS
the holocaust never happened, BUT I WISH IT DID!
saudis tho
they are not fighting israel
in any capacity
and i dont think we control isis
they use money to talk
we may have spawned them and provided them with a breeding ground
the saudis sit back with their oil money and send the poor muslims to be terrorists
but thats different than control
fucken dirty sand niggers
dont even take inr efugees
assclowns its jew talk right now
erdogan is also someting im watching out for
nigger talk is in an hour
if that roach becomes all powerful thanks to the referendum
hes gonna be a bitch to deal with
tfw gobba sleep tho
Turkey has a huge military
yes its called isis
many roaches
fuck turkey