Message from @James_Coney - LA
Discord ID: 281628145369612290
"Evil Nazi anticom member declares his anti semitism and threatens Journalist with a gun"
"hispanic anticom member threatens white elitist to get out of his server"
I'll have you know I'm jewish
@🅱arD Are we getting a slander piece? Hurry up and deliver nigger faggot.
Let me give you the quick rundown on PDP:
>makes a few anti-Semitic jokes in his recent videos
>apologizes profusely for them
>progressive news outlets blast him for it anyway
>some Jews up the ladder got the WSJ to write a hit piece on him, which ended up with Disney cancelling their sponsorship with him
>basically he's going to lose millions of dollars because he hurt some people's feefees
Oy vey look at all this antisemitism.
@🅱arD we hate niggers and sand niggers too don't forget that
More or less ?
"New Alt-right group lead by notorious anti-semite PewDiePie believe its ok to gas the jews"
Thank you goys, I will be making plenty of shekels off of this.
The upside to this is that it's red-pilling his millions of followers on fake news
People who actually watch his videos can see through the media's lies
Oh so you goys also hate women and other POC as well?
@James_Coney - LA I told you I'm jewish. Get your racism right
Oy vey look at all these threats
@🅱arD Kike nigger, give us publicity or get out REEEE
Oy vey homophobic as well
@🅱arD Article or your just a lapping kike nigger
Dude I'm an admin of this discord
Thoth is a trash meme. Bogs is kind of funny, though.
I'm just goofing around
Oh man
What this?
@🅱arD REEEE the kike shills are taking over the discord