Message from @hotmale420360
Discord ID: 508084301661863946
@[404 - user not found] ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 the more subtle it is the better
Well as a meme itself it’s alright but got sick of it when people said “is this loss” on anything and everything
is this loss
Didn't think you'd ever get so far
It was down in georgia in the back of your car
Did they ever get a name
You left him dead in the rain
You had a crooked smile
Im sorry i helped with the miles
Gnob goblin
yikes bannon rekt
Nothing is going up my shitter
nobbed dot com
@Ruger now is not the time
anal is bad
Gnelf Dwarf la creatura
im a gnoblin
and probably painful
who names someone i love pokey bum wanks.....i was literally about to name someone that
Hit or miss
I guess they never miss
You got a boyfriend
I bet he doesn't kiss ya
He gon find another girl
And he gon miss ya
only 28% of the audience agreed, went up to 43%
Youve been g-nomed
he started out decent but... yeah went south pretty fast.
you gotta win uss over
the only good thing about the poo emoji names is you dont know their rank by looking at em
Oh no
Ffs Jerry I never did
only by how shit their posts are
@FUCK fire loss isnt a good meme you horseshit. Stop acting like your mum squeezed too hard when you came out her birth canal
Both of my hands wen missing in Nam
oh dear