Message from @Potato Man
Discord ID: 508254618267025452
Alex Jones alt skin unlocked
Kevin Spacey is just a left wing Alex Jones.
Those are some nice shoes
@Crawfoot your skinny jeans are homo
@ScottehBoeh my name
It's a trend
You thieving nigger
Ahaaa you dress like my 60yr+ old dad
the hostility
@AK your dad has good style
@Arabman123 perhaps my skinny jeans are gay because i want an older man to give me affection?
@LorneM no spam
I dislike skinny jeans cuz they restrict movement
@Crawfoot idk you’re the one who wears it
Those jazz hands
@Arabman123 that's because you cant comprehend
What's some of SCP-Garys traits
@Crawfoot why don’t you wear 501s tho
Or just non skinny jeans
they don't bring comfort
Skinny jeans are for wamen and homosexuals