Message from @T e x
Discord ID: 508322837078081537
isis into nascar
This one isn't funny but the other was good because of the phrase "uppity sportsball negro"
And that was actually a clever outline of an hypocrisy
uppity sportsball negro? you mean colin kaepernick
Yeah that's the one
to anyone who doesnt understand that
People burned their Nike shoes because Nike made a pandering, vague ad using Kaepernick
that nigger started the most disrespectful shit in the NFL
And honestly I think the whole Nike attire-burning thing is just dumb
Ive been to the national anthem at stadium thousands of times, if someone kneeled during it they would absolutely be looked atlike "what in the absolute fuck is this guy doing"
fuck nike
fuck any company who gets political and sides with cop hating niggers and homosexuals
It was clearly being used to tarnish the value of the NFL just for some bullshit MSNBC narrative
its no different than wiping your ass with the US flag
I don't really think it all matters that much
I think the guy is a unintelligent dufus who parrots BLM talking points
But like, fuck him. Just live your lives. They got him out of the NFL
it does matter tho, its like going to someone's birthday party and saying "this party is about me"
dick pis for all
in the eyes of normal americans it really makes sense and pisses you off
Tex what are you on about now
we were talking about colin kaepernick hun, how you doin
Lol crawfoot
Y'all should come to kitchen
Its something
Lmao colin is so fucking annoying
How does someone that rich have so much to complain about
the proper way to respect the national anthem is to stand, put your hand over your heart, and take your hat off. That dude was trying to be edgy and change it while at the same time disrespecting law enforcement
Hes living his dream and getting rich off it
I wish i could make my dreams reality
they dont deserve the money they earn