Message from @Creold
Discord ID: 508357310440144897
there is always cool maths games
I'm not even american
My snec is being a bit stubborn and isn’t eating, I’ve got everything in the right conditions but I guess it’s just that time of year @Pygmalion
fuuuck, I'm not getting my money for 3 days worth of work until next thursday
that is ussually how to work
I've already wasted my entire childhood savings account
every 2weeks ona thursday
it b like dat somtimes
I need moneys
sell your wares
I don't have anything
Alright lads
only shit like 2 good speakers n shit but those aren't going anywhere
how much dough do you have
cause i can live of like 15quid for a month
I used to have 1.6k in savings account
i can teach you the ways of poverty
How much is 15quid?
its 15 quid
not much tbf
Also how the fuck did you lose that much from your savings?
In ï·¼
In dollars I mean
its enough to buy lots of tinned hotdogs and noodles
I worked for 2 days in a warehouse shithole but I get payed out for 3 days due to good timing
I worked wednesday and friday but thursday was a holiday so I got payed leave lol
£15 is $19.47
How the fuck do you last a month on 19.47?
they told me I could sign contracts for those 2 days and all of next week
but where did 15 quid come from
but after friday I just quit
fuuuuuuuck that shit
I've never felt so dead inside than doing that job
no joke