Message from @sweatercowsandsass
Discord ID: 508416689004871699
Maybe Its a girl. Girl voice too
Whats everyones obsession with yhat dumb bitch anyway
Shes just some stupid fucking thot
She’s a trap maybe
Raise the eyes pump a bit of ass fat into the cheeks
@Deleted User it defos looks like a trap but, like thats what i was basing my info off of
Cute = thirsty incels jumping on it. Got popular cause people didn't know if she had a dick
aye but it isny so
It doesnt matter what it is its a dead meme
This is the second time i've seen them tbh so...
Just some annoying video with a dolled up teenager that should die
Can you make videos so I can say that about you?
Why you do pissed at her
Also you can say the same about you
How y'all niggas doing tonight
I'm bored out of my mind
@sweatercowsandsass what makes you think it’s a trap?
@sweatercowsandsass thats the thing aint it
I dont do shit like that yet im still a thot somehow 🤔
@Grant the body and the mannerisms
thinking about going out drinking. nothing to do...
Fair enough
If we want to talk about peoples past behavior i can dig up her feet pics
@LmaoMoni i mean i was on about this and it was a joke before you jump to conclusions
@Dead Nah just fap to nyannyan
I feel like I walked into the middle of something and I'm too out of it on oxy atm 😂
but fapping isn't "fun"
@LmaoMoni dude you said you’d send tit pics to anybody that asked nicely
its a basic need.
U wot
You’re a thot
@Octavia same tbh 😂 like I was joking around and got jumped on hahahahaha