Message from @BAMPOT
Discord ID: 508437635296002049
Its good
You just lost the game.
No n-word november is better my niggers
or VX
@Norwegian Dude fuck up neighbor
@Norwegian Dude Nice name, bro
Hey guys how do I change my name? I don't know how google works
@BAMPOT you are speaking to a man who made gunpowder in his living room.
I think you have to @ a mod and ask them to do it gebbin
top righht next to the no nut brigade.
not hard to make though
Press and hold on the server icon then press change nickname when the menu pops up
its sulphur charcoal and pottasium nitrate i think
Mega faggot
@lolfire ur gay
cause im pretty sure black powders a synonym for gunpowder
I snort gunpowder
As much as I appreciate you people giving the proper procedure I have to temper that with an hope that you guys can pick up sarcasm
It gives you an explosive high
I learnt my lesson not to use sarcasm.
@BAMPOT nigga, black powder is what they used in cannons back in the middle ages. gunpowder is different, also its used in modern ammunition.
Maybe you're just shit at sarcasm
gunpowder and black powder are the same
Black powder is what those fine negro gentlemen like to shout at marches
it used to be cordite
but now i think its nitrocellulose
I just got out of a radical sjw gig
Only went for the punk
They are all nuts
ok, fuck it i cant talk about fucking explosives after a fat blunt.
Like they had all this weird poetry