Message from @big pie
Discord ID: 509637416919891968
Two atomic bombs wernt enough
the finns are awake
so finn
Wtf this gotta do with anything
just wanna take back the holy land
@big pie fuck up
Deus vult
<@&418479903571443713> <@&473111631946317824> <@&498259609316884520> s
Ladies and gentleman
Let that sink in
We got him
Is that a pokémon card?
Did u seriouly spend time putting that accent on
holding alt is time?
Alt f4
óh nó sórry
been a while since a good scat raid has happened
Feel free to spam @ sure they wont mind
@KingOfTheFuzzballs oi cunt
Only person you don't @ is Ruger
What you want faggot
Dude will kill you
King of fuzz more like king of gay
Youre a whitey so your opinion doesnt matter
So r u
your opinion doesnt matter
you unepic tory
I f u have a anime profile pic ur opinion doesnt count
its not anime you sheckal
What is it then
You're an idiot