Message from @Rotmistrz
Discord ID: 302190266499203072
i dunno about the other provinces
@Rotmistrz thats super fucked off and people are still reproducing in canada with that faggorty as the nom?
i dunno man
shit is fucked
thats why i want to leave
but ehr approval rating is at 12%
so shes out enxt election hopefully the conservatives change everything
but even our provincial coservative party is called "Progressive conservatives"
so theyre cucks
(((no child left behind))) means no child will succeed
Mmm nah, i think no child left behind was somewhat good
the best universities are in the states
idk tbh
so you guys arent all that bad
about that program specifically
You go to the next level of education while also just retaking classes that you failed if you did
wait no mean nothing left ouf a a childs behind according to canada apparently
But, you cant graduate unless you actually make up the credits similar to college
i want maxime bernier to win
and hoepfully he appoints kevin o leary as finance minsiter
O'Leary's daughter works for huffpo
i lost respect for him
after i found that out
We need a canadian pinochet
we need an american pinochet
we need a german hitler
and he worked at the CBC which is the equivalent of CNN
Canada needs to be annexed and clensed at this point. Sounds like you leafs are begging for it.
looks like a liberal in disguise to me
lmao i wouldnt mind
were a cuck country
leeches clinging on to the US
well i've had a theory for the longest that the majority are usually slime coated fucktards
<@302183124400603139> what rat experiment?
im 1st generation here so i couldnt give a fuck if it got taken over by the states