Message from @mo
Discord ID: 302203078311018496
Old roll
<@302183124400603139> magic 8 ball says the answer is yes
War has become asymmetrical, thanks to guerilla and terrorist groups.
at least it gives a life meaning in your twenties in your late thirties not so much
then you understand its a young mans game that old men play treating younger folks like pawns is how religion starts how tribes are won adn lost a rite of passage if you will
or to have them thrown into the great recycling bin
as demonstrated effectively by moab there
also if you had a mound of dirt as cover
and you were 5 feet away from a frag grenade
would you die
<@302183124400603139> then is it a meaningful war a meanfingful death a honorable one for young men to face
theyre not that as bad as i thought
observe failed isis traiing video lol
you know
but i think maybe people should be happy with what they have
at a point
to the ones that prevail the ones that survive often scared and battered but the ones that are hardened make for harder targets in later life
and then the cycle continues
no i understand that
i think maybe it could be just be helping the welfare of everyone
or for your state, really
so everyone can be happy
i realize i sound like a commie
i guess
but i mean if we can
why dont we
welfare safety and well being isnt a virtue honestly its a given a gift if we wer in a situatin with noone over us pushing down to get thier cocks in our mouths if we all lived free and that was welcomed would we need the mochismo that might end us all?
<@302183124400603139> cant you have a life of happiness while still working
in the end peace besettles us all be it the grave or an early retirement
oh then you're right
but a man, tending to his
crops, i guess
can be fulfilled while still leaving in peace
that wont work