Message from @Keksson
Discord ID: 302217109092433921
nuke entire world go back to pastoralism
and what we consider moral virtue
just destory everything weve built
start up again
that would suck
hide some slavs under a huge cave in siberia
to repopulate keks
thats because theyre losers
why would yous elf hate yourself like that
and just give up on humanity
look at what weve accomplished
hamanity wont be replaced by machines, robots have no reason to compete so they will never evolve
<@302183124400603139> bad idea, haven't you ever watched Turn A Gundam
<@302183124400603139> So, how exactly do we live off-world. What's the process?
yea AI is only going to be meant to serve OUR needs
machine have no other purpose
Fuck this computer jewing
well our IQ is constantly increasing
its a bubble that will burst
IQ used to be like 10 points lower like 50 years ago
or 100 maybe
people will want food
now average IQ in the west is around 100
Yea, honestly as tec increases so does what our newer generations learn. Rocket science may be easier when we realized how to build crafts that can go from one side of the universe to the other.
iq is defined by a mean iq of 100 lol
more access to education more technolgical and scentific development
@RussianHacker a farmer already built a tractor powered by a mac mini that auto tends his crops
<@302183124400603139> Using tech to improve human DNA? Interesting.
what do u mean it cant go past 100
i mean its just a relative measurement to the mean of a population
i alwasy hear scholars saying numbers more than 100