Message from @Mr. Red
Discord ID: 302219785620422657
has very good topics on this
look up their videos on machine learning
well worry when we get there lol
i dont think thats going to happen in our lfietime
or how about we create multiple AIs who hate each other, so they always make sure no single AI dominates the world
I think AI is homo juden shit
put them all in africa
fuck jewywood
shitskins become collateral dmg in the war
lol as soon as foreign aid stops flowing into to africa they will start eating each other
or try to come to europe as refugees
which is happening now 😦
we should just start shooting the boats that try to sail accross the mediteranean
theyll get the memo
i'm sad
did you have an uncomfortable boner 😕
>tfw been chatting with qt girll
>Has boyfriend, literally a cuck
>We live on different continents
Girl girl
Feminine pussy
Actual Female
man i had the unfortunate experience of watching a penis being turned into a vagina
operation on liveleak
Why watch? Lol
not the whole process of course
but the final result
when they take off the tape and shit
Ive seen some shit, dont wanna see that
jesus christ cant beleive what theyre doing to their bodies
penis is like sliced and inverted inwards
Have you seen the one of the post OP dude cumming?
Tattoos r cool take that back REEEE
i want to get a couple