Message from @Europa
Discord ID: 302238260028112908
<@302183124400603139> Dont be a faggot, this is how the shills want you to feel. You must fight for KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Damn banhammer swung fast
i dont fuck with that shitt
Aww im sorry
@BFG Some fag said "le pen will lose faggots" got insta ban
how much lung cancer
Jesus christ if le pen doesn't win. What hope is left for France other then civil war
I would go to France just to fight for the French in that civil war and then I'd return home
the forbidden knot
soros it
lol but we got trump in
kek is with us
Soros is lower level of the uber elites
>in a French civil war i would fight for the French
ok but which French
Maybe we can get a small loan of a million dollars too
Get Skreli in here!
skreli is only a hundredth of soros
we need putins shekels supporting us
And what do you mean "which french"??? There is only one french people. And that is the people who want their people to live and cast out the invaders who wreak havoc on their country. The others if le pen fails are to far gone
Problem is once you're that rich you're on their watch list, then you have to play ball with them on some level in order not to be destroyed by them
Lol really?
The networks that are jew controlled would take you down
And all the elites due mass business with the jews
you mean all six of them?
Problem is global elites have all the money, we far outnumber them but we're all dirt poor in comparison
Even if we pooled resources
we might have the power of a single elite
Yea, at this point buying a network wouldn't do shit
<@302183124400603139> oy vey it'll be anodda shoa tho you anti semite
Kek is more elite than they will ever be