Message from @Ticbow
Discord ID: 510208092462514206
Who the fuck nutted in my hat
I think if you say your kid is trans at 4 it’s just wishful thinking and borderline abusive
If you look like a dude I'm gonna call you one
Borderline? you're mutilating your child for the sake of your desire to be "accepting" or "progressive"
when do you think someone is old enough to make the decision to change?
depends on the person.
When they are an adult, ideal after 25 when your brain stops growing
your mums a social construct
Tbh i dont mind calling someone he/she but fuck off with that ze/they shit
Fuck off with the more than 2 gender shit thing all together
ze/zir/zim is straight autistic
theres two, pick!
I'm asexual now begins my mitosis
Fuck off with that
They claim it's ok because we've seen it in other ancient cultures
We have age requirements for when you are allowed to drink, drive, vote etc. based on the average "maturity" required for the different actions. It is only reasonable that you need to meet a certain age requirement in order to mutilate your genitals.
We have also seen rape, oppression, slavery and many others in other cultures.. stupid argument
@Jay EJ20T-WRX It is a stupid argument!!!
Stoopid af
Just america things
I'm glad Goose had a good time
anyone know where i can buy a discord partnership hoodie?
As long as the goose consented
Small breasts > Big breasts
not fo,r me
lo,o,,oked ,al,ready
You have an anime profile picture, the only big breasts you'll see are your own