Message from @Malvulgein
Discord ID: 510209104053010432
But according to that logic slavery is ok
We have age requirements for when you are allowed to drink, drive, vote etc. based on the average "maturity" required for the different actions. It is only reasonable that you need to meet a certain age requirement in order to mutilate your genitals.
We have also seen rape, oppression, slavery and many others in other cultures.. stupid argument
@Jay EJ20T-WRX It is a stupid argument!!!
Stoopid af
Just america things
I'm glad Goose had a good time
anyone know where i can buy a discord partnership hoodie?
As long as the goose consented
Small breasts > Big breasts
not fo,r me
lo,o,,oked ,al,ready
@Ricardo im fuckin late I was just booking tickets for his respite tour but idc if he's a libtard... He makes me laugh and honestly I prefer good news where he took the piss out of politics more than be serious about it
his good news show was funny
idc if he's a lib
he’s a big one
His round the world tour was great I went to see it at the BIC in Bournemouth
just google his shit about trump
@Malvulgein Fucking shredded him 😆
funny stuff is apolitical
@ĐaddyDank ahaha fairs man, he's decent, just licks a bit too much arse for me
@Jay EJ20T-WRX I bring the holy roasts
I laugh at both extremes being idiots
"funny man make fun of orange man god. funny man LIBTARD !!!!"
None of his jokes are his own, he just leeches of news articles and 2013 internet memes
If you see his shows in person you laugh way harder than you do watching it on the TV
and? I enjoy this chat and that suffers the same problem
@american patriot shut up Mr T you need to be knocked out to fly, pussy
*pauses, shows video, crowd laughs* "hey guys wasnt that funny haha."
@Ricardo i pity the fool that makes fun of Mr T