Message from @Doki Doki?
Discord ID: 510394612670660630
@Pirate Persians do a better job
"we have boomerangs"
Not in that way
Maoris arent wogs though
"We have an islander"
Wogs rofl.
Wogs are vicious but
"we have a homeless aboriginal woman who sits on the street and yells at nothing"
Like terriers
they are fucken dumb
Maoris are all good
Maoris are a mixed bag
from my experience they're very funny people
Thats true
in a good way, of course
very relaxed at times too
Like theyr are big and stupid but behave themselves but the ones that dont are fucking shit
Always get drunk and gang up on like one dude
they're generally nice people to have as friends in my experience, you seem to have had some bad experiences
I was that one dude
Maoris are great when they're chill and terrifying when they're angry, and many of them cant hold their booze
I'm away to meet the misses anyways.
See you gimps later.
see ya fam
hope you get a girl
so you can name her chad
jesus christ this server has a lot of aussies lol
this is aus hours
Na fam
real alcoholic hours
NZ hours
friday, y'all have to work tomorrow
<:1488:437238776729960459> Aus time
why havent you all fallen into the sky yet
got a harness