Message from @Jizzlobber
Discord ID: 510795642570932224
Furries actually fuck dogs tho @Jizzlobber
thats called bestiality
but y'know
being dumb, you
same thing p much
Practiced by furries nonetheless
In light of the recent numerous leaks from the furry community it's fair to assume most of you are into bestiality, and that the daiperfurs are literal pedophiles. gas'em all
Imagine being so much of a dribbler to screenshot and post your own words
based and redpilled
I don't fuck traps. I think it's gay. But it's still better than the shit you lot get up to @Jizzlobber
redpilled and based
why dont you get out of your safe little corner and tell that to your overlord
if this bullshit about identifying as whatever the fuck you want continues to the point where furries are legally allowed to identify as animals, will we be allowed to hunt them during hunting season?
technically yes
I will. Markus says traps aren't gay but he doesn't stop others from disagreeing with him @Jizzlobber
@Le EPik Geymar kek I'm getting a boner.
oh the nazi pug guy
@Deus 🌌 lmao
>identifying with your captor and calling him by his first name
I thought that was who you meant
>implying I didn’t come here of free will
wait are you done
fucks sake
@Jizzlobber referring to him as overlord is worse tho
he can refer to me directly if he has an issue with it
Furries aren't humans therefore doesn't have human rights
stop being a cocksucking proxy
Whats up
the sky
Just saying. It sound fucking cringe