Message from @Rippa Ragtail
Discord ID: 510798634007265280
700 people joined since dankula uploaded
Then why did you make like I said some next level shit when I said ***NIGGA***
Death cant come soon enough
oh wait
@Le EPik Geymar kek Stop
i just discovered this discord because i went to dankula's twitter feed to tell him traps are gay
Jizz just act normal man
>calls people jews in a pejorative tone
>calls same people white nationalist
>pats themself on the back at their spicy triggering prowess
i remembered that WHITEY Mention was disabled
act normal
ok real talk though
is this the normal standard
Oh jesus christ
get out whitey
I said act normal
while you still can
Being a furry isn't normal tho
Fuck the standard these retards make
you guys are almost as bad as shadman's discord but if that's the standard i guess fine
act normal
@Jizzlobber jiizzzz....
@Flynny__ you fucking asshole
but that implies im a fucking normie
fuck off with that normal shit
Nigga what the fuck are you doing man
i wuldnt even be here if i was normal