Message from @Potato Man

Discord ID: 511334674380095491

2018-11-12 00:20:15 UTC  

Just a glass to celebrate

2018-11-12 00:20:29 UTC  

Putting Bucky in a glass? Sacrilege

2018-11-12 00:20:32 UTC  

What ya celebrating?

2018-11-12 00:20:35 UTC  

me no likey furries

2018-11-12 00:20:38 UTC  
2018-11-12 00:20:42 UTC  

Promotion boys

2018-11-12 00:20:49 UTC  

Oof congrats

2018-11-12 00:20:54 UTC  

@Deleted User Why you picking on weebs.

2018-11-12 00:20:57 UTC  

Congrats todd

2018-11-12 00:20:58 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:21:01 UTC  

wisny ma fault

2018-11-12 00:21:04 UTC  

He was fucking about.

2018-11-12 00:21:04 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:21:05 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:21:10 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:21:14 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:21:20 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:21:21 UTC  

I now get paid 20 dollars more an hour

2018-11-12 00:21:25 UTC  

I seen. Dino took it aww Tae heart.

2018-11-12 00:21:25 UTC  

Fuck yea

2018-11-12 00:21:28 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:21:29 UTC  

@Dandy Zerg I'll fuckin set about you like

2018-11-12 00:21:39 UTC  

@Todd I only get like ยฃ16 an hour.

2018-11-12 00:21:39 UTC  

@Deleted User Come at me baw bag for a nose.

2018-11-12 00:21:41 UTC  

The diversity numbers have went down now

2018-11-12 00:21:45 UTC  

@Deleted User sorry hard

2018-11-12 00:21:50 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:21:51 UTC  

You gonna want more than 1 glass for a promotion that big

2018-11-12 00:21:54 UTC  

@Deleted User You couldn't set about yourself

2018-11-12 00:22:00 UTC  

Jeepers mate

2018-11-12 00:22:18 UTC  

Whiski couldn't fight his way out of the nursery his Da works in.

2018-11-12 00:22:22 UTC  

Ngl that was the weakest banter to devolve into a shitfest

2018-11-12 00:22:32 UTC  

What to you work in? @Tea

2018-11-12 00:22:37 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:22:40 UTC  

Shut up kid and no u,

2018-11-12 00:22:43 UTC  


2018-11-12 00:22:55 UTC  

@Dandy Zerg I'll gee you a swift right hook if u diny fuck up

2018-11-12 00:22:56 UTC  

But I'm software dev

2018-11-12 00:23:05 UTC  

Must be fun

2018-11-12 00:23:08 UTC  

@Deleted User Shut it Garry the fag commander.