Message from @Guts McGee
Discord ID: 511418859656445952
go to glasgow prestwick so you get the comfy beach nearby
@FUCK fire what were the Bawiea ss's about?
The facial hair of a true gentleman scholar
@sweatercowsandsass I’ve been at Glasgow airport for almost a year
Send help
@FUCK fire I knew I saw you a few weeks ago
can you at least drive me to my friends house?
I was passing through, its a shortcut to my mums
I dont drive nigga
He’s known I’ve been here for all this time
He still won’t pick me up
What a dick
Is he in this server?
i'd let you stay with me but i don't want you to eat my cats
I cant risk you eating mine either, sorry
I bet its @Count Dankula, he's the kinda dude that'd leave someone at the airport for a year
Oh good
Gaymes is a good guy
I like Gaymes
@Jim oh wait YOU'RE Gaymes?!
Fuck my boss is so incompetent at handing out my shifts for this week
Most aussies are incompetent tbf
tell him off about it
Criminals are not known for high IQ
I haven't got enough fucks in me to dispute that. It makes so much sense to me ay
I would say that’s bullshit, but my existence kinda confirms your statement so
Hes okay to work with just not all there on giving details out
Love how none of you even want to dispute it lmao
Our entire parliament is inept and incompetent