Message from @MidshipGary
Discord ID: 511890706965594122
Retarded Democratic Seal Clubbing National Socialist Kingdom of Norway
oh titles
i read titties
*queen has the most titties* nice
It's technically breakfast here but I'm up for lunch
Ham samiches
Ever feelt a pair
sounds good
have a good lunch gary
I had left over chilli. Labs are gay.
good day
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Gary's had his latest bout of hyperglycemic shocks and is now grumpy
The big boy
I'm more sleepy tbh
*Hypo*glycemic makes you grumpy.
<:imout:437239184269508610> <:imout:437239184269508610> <:imout:437239184269508610>
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Oh I forgot
Fuck up nurse
My shit makes no sense
Other sandwich is chicken
Low blood sugar, why hangry is a thing.
Enjoy your new fetish
Dim why
thats a football with limbs
How do you find these things
jesus christ
That's a weird looking Russian nesting doll
thats a small waman
My new personal bowling ball
Just makes me wonder
That shouldn't exist in this reality. What realm did you find that in?
To what depraved corner of the internet do you go to find these
Who stuck their dick in that must be a real pervert
who got her pregnant?