Message from @Codfish
Discord ID: 512075220736147456
Okay Dino. That was pretty wholesome.
god damn it
Nice pearly whites
I'm wholesome when I need to be.
As I said irrational care for people sometimes.
Ouch with the *"friends"* quotes nigga 😂
Anyone know of any at home jobs that aren't pyramid schemes
there is like one job like that
Internet friend then?
@Lizardo selling worn underwear
Sell self made software
We've yet to actually meet up irl.
Unless it's in js
@Dino A good friend as well from I have seen. I am the same myself. I been called clingy a few times because of it.
Then neckrope
I'd call us friends even if we haven't met yet.
I'm a man so that's not gonna work out that well @coattailsandbowties
id call dino things and we havent met
@Lizardo shave your legs and pretend you're a trap
@coattailsandbowties Hey that's pretty good.
Sell the used panties for profit.
@coattailsandbowties The thing is you are friends through experience and the time you have spent together not for meeting each other.
Expand as you go.
I feel like this is something you guys have done before
I have not.
I'd do it
But it's easy to get weirdos on the internet to give you things.