Message from @Dino
Discord ID: 512074591422775297
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I would like to see you try Torch.
@coattailsandbowties Shall we head to DMs to give general a break?
I had one where some chink tried to steal an Apple Mac from me.
Dell Mac my dude
Even though I hate apple products
All about the bootlegs
Do a quick 180 on the mood.
dino stop cheating on me with general
Nah, gonna lie in bed and be depressed till I eventually fall asleep @Dino
Feck sake.
Anyhow anytime you wish to talk I'm here, we can be depressed together lol @coattailsandbowties
I'm on call w cow so it's ok I just get sad.
You can talk to both of us.
I'm sad enough as it is.
You've got your own issues I don't wanna burden you with my shit
well stop cheating on me
I need a fucking hug rn, wanted to hang out with friend today, planned it for the last week. Sends me a message an hour before we supposed to chill. "Oh I'm not feeling too good"
@coattailsandbowties I'm the type of person that has no problems with others burdens, and even so getting you some help is what "friends" do.
Okay Dino. That was pretty wholesome.
god damn it
Nice pearly whites
I'm wholesome when I need to be.
As I said irrational care for people sometimes.
Ouch with the *"friends"* quotes nigga 😂
Anyone know of any at home jobs that aren't pyramid schemes
there is like one job like that
Internet friend then?
@Lizardo selling worn underwear