Message from @Clebe
Discord ID: 512196379704164363
I was kidding nothing more than that though.
We had some snow.
Not a lot.
snowed all monday in ill
didnt stick tho just cold af
Ah. Coldness without some snow is just bad weather.
If it is going to be that cold at least snow.
Russia deployed a new weapon
Looks dangerous.
i like it
Did someone say sheckels?
anyone want to be my friend?
I need cheering up... anyone got any Ricardo memes?
always cheers me up anyways
Have this small lizard
than kyou
That's a pretty wholesome dance
I wish I had the consciousness-free life of an animal
Sure, I'd die sooner
But it'd be nice all the same
How do you know they don't have it. Just a different kind?
A wholesome kind maybe
Nature is not innately moral.
That too is true
And so wholesomeness might just be how we look at it.
I guess I'm after a less cluttered mind aye
Go drink lots of tea read more good books.
a bullet will do that
or.. tea and books..
prolly a more wholesome idea