Message from @DUB3R5
Discord ID: 512608770426273830
@Gentle Caress of the Inner Thigh here remember that time you looked into a an area that had 3 channels with not a single line of text in any of them and didnt think that there might be a reason for it
titanut you were septic before i did
You know, that one place with the thing about the stuff.
Don't trust dino
Trust Dino
Keep dms closed
I have rank
I don't have rank
won what
i have no reason to trust y'all
Soy is barely above whitey.
@DUB3R5 Yeah good movie.
i insulted a furry i count that as a win
Barely but it is
Soy is whitey pretty much
soy is the banana rank, yellow on the outside, whitey on the inside
I'm pretty sure I watched that movie
even dino that hates mee agrees
Piss whitey
Seem familiar
Just a different colour like the Jewish Kommander unit
Heardin other jews in
*Whitey of color
I need to watch it again when I’m not nearly a fetus
Soy is "distinguished" whitey which is a bit like saying "deluxe toilet paper;" still going to catch shit and be subjected to abusive assholes.
i hope that lad is bashing out a massive essay just so i can instant delete it
Please don't fuk up chicken nuggets for me @Bonk
Soys are just uppity whiteys
ruger you know he will