Message from @Codfish
Discord ID: 512808405774237707
i thought that was a goose
without a beak
and she was like
wham thighs save lives
just drinking water out of a beakless goose
@coattailsandbowties memes aside tomboys are normally into pretty good fetishes and are normally down to be rough as fuck
also im not hay im bleedy
so yeet
For about 12 seconds I had no idea what that was
I am stupid
no you're hay idiot stop changing name
@Hatter ok this is true
@Lizardo too thin for me
@coattailsandbowties exactly so tomboys make best gfs
@FUCK fire stop gay
sex does not a relationship make
i win
It makes a lot of it until you're 30+ 😎
nope I want my cuddly cute non-sexual moments pls
thought that was furry shieeet from the thumbnail
@Codfish a drummer friend sent me that, we were both howlin! 😂
@coattailsandbowties ye obviously but dating someone who isn't compatible with you sexually leads to a really, really shitty relationship with lots of frustrations
yo that boi drum fas