Message from @MrNumbers
Discord ID: 512972175506931723
'define gun crime'
@Jizzlobber knife manufacturers dont make knifes for thugs in london
crime w/ gun
But you’re saying that companies that produce weapons have a share of blame for their use. 🤔
@Jizzlobber bleach makers dont make bleach to be thrown in peoples faces
@Jizzlobber so then there is no responsibility for the manufacturer? thanks thats the point i was getting at
how do the fuck do *you* know what manufactures target
@sweatercowsandsass I love pizza !
@Jizzlobber retarded
would like to eat pizza with me?
Mercedes doesnt make vans for driving into crowds
@Ruger if you are aking whether or not they should be culpable, you already have my answer
haha @Hatter yours was the finest argument in the discussion
a clear example of disarming your opponent
A crime that is used with a object/weapon that fires bullets
I'm a Furry
Your answer is shit that’s it
yes but other device manufacturers are not culpable for the actions of their created devices, you only want this for firearms
>fires bullet feom a sling
>gun Crime
Happnin Potato dude
@Jizzlobber yes but you then say that there isnt legal ramifications so what actually happens?
@Jizzlobber Not really a need to argue with you when you’re claiming gun makers are responsible for how their tools are used.
oh yeah
i forgot guns are meant to clean toilets
not kill people
my bad
@Arydian.G7 did you just come out as a furry????
you know that hunting exists?
oh yeah
Guns dont kill people
Ye, your bad. How could you forget
I think the problem is you only see firearms as a means to kill other people
rappers do
and sport shooting?