Message from @soup dad
Discord ID: 513134641021190145
i actually laughed at that image, im getting drunk
@Tea Doubt, I've had plenty offered. But the thot stench was too stronk for my mortal senses.
More of this please dog
Markus couldnt stay awake
Is he ditching tonight's TISM again?
just saw someones dick break in shitposting
aint getting that out my memory
Just imagine it's a strong sausage.
i know that vid, yeah, the guys dick just bends in half cuz the girl presses down on it
Thot-strength. Half as strong as tard-strength.
When they smell a man in a 1 km area around them they go into heat and all the blood rushes towards their venomous appendages, giving them increased gripping strength to pull out any man's wallet and soul.
Nice bait?
oh man
holy shit
Which site?
its so bad
76 is bad, so boring
Gamespot, 4.7/10
its fallout 4 with none of the fun of modding
IGN has no review yet
but if IGN says its bad
holy shit, 32. The devs must be trying to crawl up their own ass out of shame.
then its fucking terrible
they are going to have to say something about this soon
and maybe push back TES VI
you can join the enclave: sold