Message from @Necali
Discord ID: 513868894621138955
It doesn't say that soyboy can be *anyone* though does it?
So we have reached an impasse
a soyboy must be the colour of soy milk
It doesn’t say anyone it says males
They are all albino
*alt albino*
Childish albino
I meant by race
Males can be black, white, Asian of you forgot
It’s like talking to a far lefty
There are no black males
No Necali you’re actually retarded
@Jeffery ur a soyboy get rekt
Not very nice
you got a definition you asked for. You were completely wrong. And you still bitch
This isn't a very nice place.
That moment you lost a 30 minute long debate about what the definition of soyboy is
🇸 🇴 🇾
🇧 🇴 🇾
yes hi
That moment you lost a 30 minute long debate about what the definition of soyboy is
@everyone cats > rats
“And like you still bitch”
And my grammar is bad?! Lol
He got triggered
Triggered? Are you 14?
GOOD cat
having a nice ovaltine
<:SALT:497478707351650314> 🅱 🇴 🇾
Cats are just big rats with disco eyes.
haha he got T R I G G E R E D
Yeah u can say that I don't mind
Because it’s probably true