Message from @T e x
Discord ID: 513916489074737154
He is referring to the boring company, clearly
So it's taking things personally?
Also let me know if I'm probing too much
pretty much
There's a couple of people who do.
like lolfire made an ex d banter joke
coat goes in for no reason
moki used to keep that shit in check and straight destroy them when they'd pipe up
but mokii left again for w/e reason
The way I saw it was Coats told someone their stale joke was stale, Lolfire said some shit, and it escalated from there
so no more btfo'ing
Ive seen coat fight with more people here than anyone else
being cold and shit
Put it this way lads
If it smells like shit everywhere you go and you keep complaining about the smell
it's time to check your own boots
So it's more of cattiness?
she is like eternally struggling between based and SJW
honestly pray for her
Something else
Yah yeet
it's an autistic topic for gen chat keep the drama out of chat
post ricardos
or ur a fucking faggot
This is getting too close to being mad shit
fuck off weeb
That is gay
i already beat my meat fuck sake
I have cancer now.
Thanks lads.
I think I am going to be surprised if I don't see that man in a gif
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