Message from @brap dogger
Discord ID: 514026436303126529
@Karpo THCC fallaw
I've just got up ok I'm cooking breakfast
get off discord then ye mongo
Ain't much to do while waiting
catch up on study?
That is a great question
in the whole 10 minutes it'll take my porridge to cook?
do you have a reading week or anything coming up?
I'm a STEM major, we don't get reading weeeks
work week then
whatever, same thing
no, we have lectures continuously until the end of term
@Karpo middle east essenctily
ok, so there's not really a break for you to catch up in lol.
bb cum back
Just have someone record the lectures
No, which is why I have to miss lectures till I've caught up
@Offbrand Shaggy that's done automatically, it's how I'm catching up
@Karpo U.A.E united arab emirates
how long you got till christmas break?
it's like 4/5 weeks right?
@Karpo yeah sound kebab like me
I'm hoping I'll be caight up within 2 weeks
you behind in every class or just the one?
Getting through 4-5 lectures a day that's plenty doable
In everything
@Irrelevant a femeine penis holder
I basically haven't gone into uni other than labs for nearly 2 months
this is first year or did you progress after resits?
I finished first year, this is second
@Karpo baba please dont :"(
Aw fuck