Message from @Rotmistrz
Discord ID: 302977661993615361
both basd
damn get fucked japan
need me an ancap pony waifu pillow
Me on the right
>not having a body pillow already
Current year dude
Also both
this is the manlet
who punched the girl lmao
@Rotmistrz is he sponsored by readbull
i dont know
maybe its an inside joke
for him and his gay lil buddies
@Mr. Cate i almost have no dignity left so i'll be able to get a waifu pillow soon
@Rotmistrz I wish red bull sponsored me to BTFO antifa
same man
I unironically have one :^)
i would hand it out to all our boys
kek red bull should sponsor alt right
for when the clashes happen
yea fuck pepsi
red bull just come to us
make based commercial
red bull came to us how so