Message from @tizly
Discord ID: 515309916932669441
Fuck off
@Georgiewill imagine when gary @ spams everyone and they do it back
The horror
if you're not crying on discord like lolfire then you're not drunk enough
unrelenting spam
Fuck that
Thank you very much this server is meant for autism not complete degeneracy
Most of the time
Seems like whiteys dont know if general is back
have fun!
Whities should die
The fuck
Who eats an entire flamin' bowl of beans
I am white and proud of it <:heil:445315385340723211>
What's behind the beans?
@TheDonald2020 ok mutt
My nut
Corn stuffing
@tizly Stop being an edgy lord
gay cunt
Another Tex?
We also had Turkey stuffing
dang soup how small are you
because i'm 120lb and that doesn't even get me tipsy
Idk my weight
@Red Pulsating Rod fuck off nig nog
But I'm very receptive to substances
well actually, how much cognac did you have
whats cognacs % again like 35?
A shot glass?