Message from @gary
Discord ID: 516846278009815050
I had to layer that fucking nose
it was too big
It so damn defined
Pretty sure theres a bogie there
like i actually had to make a layer for his nose
old possessed is a nice band
Well that was uncalled for
Hey @Big Chüngo, fuck you buddy!
I can harass @Hellistor all I want
cause @Talen is a faggot
essing my h @ you tbh
ohhh wow look out we have a bad ass overe here
just click on the name
its a bunch of whiteys named ruger
should i change my name to ruger
just incase you're too lazy to click
@Deleted User put a festive hat on now
he doesnt have the balls to actually @ him
and shit i cant find the real ruger now
i was goign to @ him
I would if i had access to bot channel
heck you buddy
@Wade no
inb4 dont @ me horse fucker
shift 6