Message from @DUB3R5
Discord ID: 517911076097097744
Awh coupled
aite dont be startin this homo crap
thats good, you make a new video today or something
Yeah probably
Will you finally be proud of me then, dad?
i was proud of you from the start
I don’t have a response
That was surprisingly wholesome
i can be wholesome
Pray the gay away
i tend to post poop instead
State of that fenian
but sometimes i do
Where did black hole craw go
The 2 sides of soup
I’ve never seen You wholesome soup
youve only talked to me once but yeah
Really? im always nice lmao
Nice guy?
oh yeah
I’ve talked to you in vc soup
Soup only posts poo when its needed tbh
only once though
you heard me joke about you and someone made a gay joke
Ehhh I guess so
ive heard dub3r5 talk once
Bruh you’ve got a better memory than me
hay man lover fella
i mean
Very few people have heard my voice
you are a busy man
ah its himself
just a question... where is the chat in this server
the pope of ulster