Message from @Hatter

Discord ID: 518044888395153419

2018-11-30 12:42:35 UTC  

Chat is kill

2018-11-30 12:43:16 UTC  


2018-11-30 12:43:40 UTC  

@Dimorac ey dim u still want that reminder to un-botban that poor whitey

2018-11-30 12:43:44 UTC  

reminder that the reason diamonds are more generally valued over rubies sapphires or emeralds which are rarer and more valuable in high grades is that overuse of emeralds rubies and sapphires looks tacky as fuck while diamonds can be put on just about anything and look good

2018-11-30 12:43:48 UTC  

was @Juuzo

2018-11-30 12:44:05 UTC  

Also they are almost impossible to cut

2018-11-30 12:44:18 UTC  

Correctly at least

2018-11-30 12:44:25 UTC  

when emerald is done right it's the bomb

2018-11-30 12:44:35 UTC  

@Hatter omg LPL

2018-11-30 12:44:40 UTC  

We were meant to nut

2018-11-30 12:44:41 UTC  


2018-11-30 12:44:48 UTC  


2018-11-30 12:44:49 UTC  

What are your birth stones?

2018-11-30 12:44:51 UTC  

little penis league

2018-11-30 12:45:02 UTC  

absolute fucking waste of all those high grade emeralds

2018-11-30 12:45:05 UTC  

Lpl is Chinese league scene

2018-11-30 12:45:05 UTC  

fucking birth stones

2018-11-30 12:45:10 UTC  

I'm sorry I'm not an African I can't wear that type of jewelry

2018-11-30 12:45:22 UTC  

@Deleted User you just wear cheap gold

2018-11-30 12:45:26 UTC  

that looks gaudy af

2018-11-30 12:45:30 UTC  

like what owuld u wear with that

2018-11-30 12:45:39 UTC  

I wear a watch to tell the time

2018-11-30 12:45:41 UTC  

Iā€™m a peridot šŸ˜‰

2018-11-30 12:45:42 UTC  

@Tea I actually wear silver I hate gold

2018-11-30 12:45:45 UTC  

because I'm not a fag

2018-11-30 12:46:05 UTC  

imagine using a watch when you can just use your phone

2018-11-30 12:46:06 UTC  

@Deleted User I see you're a man of culture as well

2018-11-30 12:46:22 UTC  

My birthstone is Aquamarine @DUB3R5

2018-11-30 12:46:29 UTC  

so is my sisters

2018-11-30 12:46:29 UTC  

Imagine slating watches.

2018-11-30 12:46:50 UTC  

why do people even have a birthstone?

2018-11-30 12:47:03 UTC  

don't fucking tell me you take that shit seriously

2018-11-30 12:47:08 UTC  

nigga wtf is a birthstone

2018-11-30 12:47:08 UTC  

@DUB3R5 how old is she and if she's 18 or over is she single?

2018-11-30 12:47:11 UTC  

The same reason why people have that Chinese birth years and shit

2018-11-30 12:47:15 UTC  

is this like another autistic version of horoscopes

2018-11-30 12:47:16 UTC  


2018-11-30 12:47:22 UTC  

@Deleted User you have some competition buddy