Message from @kingbobo
Discord ID: 277518964597194752
get GIMP
I will.
free and pretty powerful
patriot checking in
No computer right now
I'm out of state
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe - NC what do you mean by meetups? shouldn't they happen alongside protests?
meetups are a preliminary planning and low-level organisation stage
I presume
Local meet ups are so you can get acquainted with local members
It'll be a while before we have enough people for local people to be common enough
Also organizing in person somewhat better
Pretty sure I'm the only AZ member
i know we have quite a few in socal
can you put the logo on a patch / pin template? So we can strap it on MOLLE vest or backpack @Aniki
Is there a version of this logo with a transparent background?
how about a version in red white and blue? why yellow?
@tripplethrendo Yellow and black are the traditional colors of libertarianism and capitalism, which are both the polar opposites of communism.
oh ok, fair enough
I'm sure we'll bring some American flags to leftist rallies, when the time comes.
I live in a very liberal city and I feel like I no longer have a voice