Message from @daltoid
Discord ID: 277124438762192898
<@277114927318040576> Are you a classical Liberal?
I don't like Fascism personallty
But I don't like modern liberalism either
Or anything on the left
They have devolved into mere cattle
Useful idiots
That is how they see us essentially
Oh really?
Have we went out and rioted?
Have we damaged property, costing thousands?
Have we assaulted many in riots?
We're not the ones breaking into people's houses because they're communists
We're actually willing to debate them, they're just so deep in their own ideology that they feel it's justified to use violence on us.
How so?
Towards what, the 7 countries banned?
*Listens to s few communist songs* wow omg i love communism now
Not true Liberal
I don't understand why people think Trump is a warmongerer
Like I said, I talked with an Antifa person recently
and no, I don't have Twitter
Twitter is just another useless shoutbox
I never use it
Lemme pull up more quotes from said Antifa Transperson
I have Twitter exclusively to watch trump tweets
"and political views are not something u can discriminate against
free speech should be censored
shouldnt be free
white nationalist propaganda"
Holy shit
This is a real person?
"She"'s a former professional League player
"no you can't be intolerant of intolerant people
just like u can't assault someone who is already assaulting you
it's defense
killing a nazi is prevention"
I would say he probably won't listen to reason
Anything is nazi to leftists
But Styxnstones makes a point about not just cracking commie skulls
I think I'll get a sweet captain America shield for when l go commie busting